Friday, November 5, 2010


I recently watched a great short movie in my Sociology class about the images of women produced in advertising called "Killing Us Softly 4”. This is the fourth film that has been produced each decade since the late 70s. These films take popular advertisements and critique the way they rely on stereotypes of women’s desires and the objectification of women’s bodies in order to sell their products.This film really got me thinking about the way advertising in print and film can make us feel dissatisfied with our lives. And not just because what is pictured in the advertisements is so unattainably perfect, which is often the case now a days due to airbrushing and retouching technology.In accordance with the Gestalt theory, which says that the brain naturally self-organizes observed objects into patterns, the advertising we see becomes to mean less as individual images selling particular items, and more of a general feeling of dissatisfaction with one’s life. Advertisers seize on this general mood to impress upon viewers that the need to purchase new items to make their lives better. It is viewing advertising in bulk that causes this affect. According to the Consumer Reports website, the average American views 247 commercial messages a day. Though not viewed all in one glance, the Gestalt theory still applies in the way our brains make a pattern of emotional meaning with each advertisement based on the other 246 advertisements we have seen that day.

The woman who started the documentary and that is trying to help spread awareness about this big issue occuring today!

Are They trying to sell a good pair of jeans or sex?

Oh yeah, & they serve food! 

Here are a couple of ads that degrade women's bodies and are using a woman's body as an object to sell a product or service.

Take a Look at this video, i watched it a couple of years ago and couldnt believe my eyes. People are blinded by these advertisements and are struggling today all due to the media, everyone should be educated and should'nt be dragged in all the advertisements and believe everything they hear!

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